Luis, his older brother, Daniel, and his Mom, Dorene, all headed to Monterrey, Mexico this weekend to celebrate their little cousin, Cynthia's Quinceanera. As you can imagine with all of the news going on about the violence in Mexico these days I was very apprehensive!! Thankfully they had a wonderful trip and made it back safe and sound!! I can't believe this little girl I met when she was just a baby is 15, yikes!!! From what I have heard the party was AMAZING!! As you will see in the picture below one of the fun things that they had at the party was a photo booth along with silly props to wear if you so choose. Not surprisingly Luis and Daniel had to partake!! The first strip of pictures is Luis, Cynthia and Daniel, kinda of silly but just wait, the second strip is of my goofy husband and brother in law "wrestling" with clown gear on. I have a suspicious feeling these may have been taken later in the night after some more alcoholic beverages had been consumed, what do you think?
Chicago - Part I
10 years ago